The OCP: Radical Change
Under BC Law, every community must have a bylaw called the Official Community Plan (OCP) to provide a guiding vision of how the community should evolve. The OCP is a living document which is periodically updated so that it evolves with the community.
Oak Bay's original OCP envisioned a community of small villages and peaceful suburban neighbourhoods, where the main use of land was for single family houses and greenspace. A community of quiet streets, tree canopies, lush gardens, and view corridors of trees, sea, mountains, and sky. Oak Bay's original OCP served Oak Bay residents well, and through its vision Oak Bay has become one of the most attractive communities on the continent.
In 2014 the town council at that time chose to throw away the time tested OCP rather than evolve it. At great (and continuing) expense they replaced it with a new, more complex OCP which supports a radically different vision for the future of Oak Bay. The 2014 OCP is weighted towards the densification desires of non-residents and developers. Its vision is for an urban rather than a suburban Oak Bay, where multifamily buildings will replace single family houses.
Multifamily means larger buildings, with larger garages and larger driveways, which must result in fewer trees, smaller gardens, less greenspace, blocked views, more traffic, choked street parking, and more strain on Oak Bay's existing service infrastructure. This new OCP therefore caters to the needs of people who do not yet live in Oak Bay, at the expense of the existing residents. It eases the rules to allow larger buildings, with little concern for the well being of the existing neighbours ... who for years have paid the taxes and have adhered to the old restrictive rules, in their commitment to keeping Oak Bay such a precious place to live.
Since we advocate the vision of the old OCP and the well being of the existing residents, we find ourselves consistantly in opposition to the "Densification Industry" and to the problematic urban vision that they are importing from Vancouver. Those in the pay of that well-funded industry have labelled us as a "Nimby" group because we advise against the radical changes they propose to our neighbourhoods. Nimby is an acronym for "Not in my Backyard". Since their bulldozers are a threat to every backyard, then by their own definition EVERY concerned resident of Oak Bay is a Nimby.
I'm a nimby! Who are you?
Are you a nimby, too?
Then there's a pair of us - don't tell!
They'd banish us you know!
---- Emily Dickinson would love the Oak Bay of the original OCP.
Under BC Law, every community must have a bylaw called the Official Community Plan (OCP) to provide a guiding vision of how the community should evolve. The OCP is a living document which is periodically updated so that it evolves with the community.
Oak Bay's original OCP envisioned a community of small villages and peaceful suburban neighbourhoods, where the main use of land was for single family houses and greenspace. A community of quiet streets, tree canopies, lush gardens, and view corridors of trees, sea, mountains, and sky. Oak Bay's original OCP served Oak Bay residents well, and through its vision Oak Bay has become one of the most attractive communities on the continent.
In 2014 the town council at that time chose to throw away the time tested OCP rather than evolve it. At great (and continuing) expense they replaced it with a new, more complex OCP which supports a radically different vision for the future of Oak Bay. The 2014 OCP is weighted towards the densification desires of non-residents and developers. Its vision is for an urban rather than a suburban Oak Bay, where multifamily buildings will replace single family houses.
Multifamily means larger buildings, with larger garages and larger driveways, which must result in fewer trees, smaller gardens, less greenspace, blocked views, more traffic, choked street parking, and more strain on Oak Bay's existing service infrastructure. This new OCP therefore caters to the needs of people who do not yet live in Oak Bay, at the expense of the existing residents. It eases the rules to allow larger buildings, with little concern for the well being of the existing neighbours ... who for years have paid the taxes and have adhered to the old restrictive rules, in their commitment to keeping Oak Bay such a precious place to live.
Since we advocate the vision of the old OCP and the well being of the existing residents, we find ourselves consistantly in opposition to the "Densification Industry" and to the problematic urban vision that they are importing from Vancouver. Those in the pay of that well-funded industry have labelled us as a "Nimby" group because we advise against the radical changes they propose to our neighbourhoods. Nimby is an acronym for "Not in my Backyard". Since their bulldozers are a threat to every backyard, then by their own definition EVERY concerned resident of Oak Bay is a Nimby.
I'm a nimby! Who are you?
Are you a nimby, too?
Then there's a pair of us - don't tell!
They'd banish us you know!
---- Emily Dickinson would love the Oak Bay of the original OCP.
Resident Participation & Engagement
Oak Bay residents have the right to decide the future of our community.
"I want my neighbours to decide on how things are going to be done ! Not outsiders who don't live in my community. Why should they have a say in what Oak Bay looks like and how I should live !" (B.F. , Oak Bay resident)
Residents must be at the forefront of the decisions made by Council and the District as a whole !
The Mayor and Council must bare in mind that:
1. We do not live in a dictatorship !
2. They were elected to represent us, so they cannot base their decisions on personal preferences !
3. Council must proactively engage the community and open new channels to discuss topics and set priorities !
4. OCP implementation must be transparent, participatory, with absolutely NO "in camera" meetings !
5. History has proven that residents often get it right (e.g. predicting the disastrous results of the 2007 bylaw change).
6. A great number of residents possess extensive professional expertise in several fields, and are willing to help.
"I want my neighbours to decide on how things are going to be done ! Not outsiders who don't live in my community. Why should they have a say in what Oak Bay looks like and how I should live !" (B.F. , Oak Bay resident)
Residents must be at the forefront of the decisions made by Council and the District as a whole !
The Mayor and Council must bare in mind that:
1. We do not live in a dictatorship !
2. They were elected to represent us, so they cannot base their decisions on personal preferences !
3. Council must proactively engage the community and open new channels to discuss topics and set priorities !
4. OCP implementation must be transparent, participatory, with absolutely NO "in camera" meetings !
5. History has proven that residents often get it right (e.g. predicting the disastrous results of the 2007 bylaw change).
6. A great number of residents possess extensive professional expertise in several fields, and are willing to help.
Advisory Planning Commission
Planning and Land Use decisions:
..... must always involve residents of the community; they will directly or indirectly affect.
..... cannot be made by city officials and/or by "regular" committees.
..... cannot be made "in camera" because they have a direct effect on the finances of residents.
With much effort from a few concerned residents Council has finally decided not to pursue the route proposed by city staff to form a "committee" under the Community Charter. OBW was able to gather legal information and expertise to show council that the recommendation put forward by city staff was illegal, and that such a committee would substantially reduce residents' ability to have a say. If it wasn't for residents mobilization we would have been open to abuse of power, councillors' political agendas, and susceptible to outright lobby by the development industry.
A "Commission", as prescribed by the provincial law, is designed to ensure that residents have a strong say in any planning and land use decisions. This is not a matter of semantics. It's the law. OBW will keep an eye on how appointments to the recently approved Commission will take place. It is out priority to make sure that all necessary steps are taken to make sure that Council abides by the Land Planning and Use legal framework.
OBW has warned Council of the serious lapse in city staff's judgement to recommend an illegal and illegitimate route to address the planning of land use in Oak Bay. We will follow future developments to make sure that the right course of action is taken.
The chart below shows the difference between a committee and a commission:
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