Newsletter January 14, 2023: A Time to Worry
On November 28, 2022 Oak Bay’s new Council approved a 4-lot subdivision at 2072 Hampshire Road near Willows school that allowed clearcutting most of the mature trees (36 in all) 27ot these bylaw protected.
The applicant has indicated that they intend to use permeable pavers for the internal road, driveways and retention facilities. This, they say, will restrict the discharge to predevelopment levels.
This is without considering that permeable pavers require an expensive vacuuming process four times a year, and not all homeowners are willing to bear this cost. This much additional lot coverage that includes a number of patios, and the substantial loss of mature trees, vegetation and soil filtration, could not possibly equal predevelopment discharge levels.
However, the Planning Department expects residents to believe:
That this:
New Council Approved 4-lot subdivision at 2072 Hampshire Road
On November 28, 2022 Oak Bay’s new Council approved a 4-lot subdivision at 2072 Hampshire Road near Willows school that allowed clearcutting most of the mature trees (36 in all) 27ot these bylaw protected.
The applicant has indicated that they intend to use permeable pavers for the internal road, driveways and retention facilities. This, they say, will restrict the discharge to predevelopment levels.
This is without considering that permeable pavers require an expensive vacuuming process four times a year, and not all homeowners are willing to bear this cost. This much additional lot coverage that includes a number of patios, and the substantial loss of mature trees, vegetation and soil filtration, could not possibly equal predevelopment discharge levels.
However, the Planning Department expects residents to believe:
That this:
New Council Approved 4-lot subdivision at 2072 Hampshire Road
Will result in the same stormwater runoff as this:
Present 2072 Hampshire Road Site
It worth noting that Oak Bay’s new Council did not request an Engineering Department report* on the possible infrastructure impact, After all there are other impacts besides runoff, for example the additional water use and sewerage.
Council did not even query why the Parks Department failed to offer their perspective on this much destruction of the urban forest and soil filtration. It is also not clear why the Parks Department did not request their usual tree replacement solution: that is 2 saplings to replace each of the 26 mature, bylaw protected trees. Perhaps they thought this would alert residents to see how irrelevant this would be in keeping the urban forest and natural infrastructure assets intact.
* An engineering report was necessary because underground water storage tank systems, the obvious installation in this case, are made to be buried in specific soil types, This is preferably those with a low clay content to prevent cracks due to external soil pressure against the tank. Also, for permeable pavement, clay-rich soils pose a challenge. Much of Oak Bay has high clay soil content (See Appendix #1 for other disadvantages and information).
At the previous Council meeting, November 14, 2022, Council approved their values and Themes/ Goals. They included:
Climate Change & Environment: Proactively mitigate and adapt to climate change and preserve and enhance the environment.
Leadership: We (Council) are responsible and collectively steward the physical, natural, and social assets of our community. We use the principles of sustainable development to take climate action and to ensure Oak Bay’s ecological, social, and economic future is not compromised.
If Council’s approval of this development is an indication of this Council putting their words into action this is not good news for the community.
Oak Bay Watch Perspective
We were under the impression that this council wanted to “Enable the creation of more diverse and affordable housing.” This is included in their 2022 -2026 priorities statement; Council has also indicated they were going to abide by the above values and goals.
This is all well and good. However, we could not help wondering how these priority statements fit in with Council’s approval of the Hampshire subdivisions housing priceline, and substantial urban forest destruction.
It is also not clear to us what the community benefit is. The District says that the increased taxation only pays for the new services required and, in most cases, this does not cover any cumulative impact on the infrastructure. This is borne by the all residents.
It is our opinion that a subdivision with less density and smaller building footprints would have been acceptable. This would have preserved much more of the urban forest and the environment, provided more housing affordability and still provided a reasonable profit.
To paraphrase Mark Twain’s quote: There are basically two types of Councils. Councils that accomplish the right things, and Councils that claim to have, or intend to, accomplish them. The first group is less crowded.
“Nothing is inevitable if you are paying attention” Oak Bay Watch
Oak Bay Watch is a volunteer community association and its members have a variety of professional backgrounds in both the public and private sector.
*******Please help us continue to provide you with information about Community concerns and Council decisions and actions. Oak Bay Watch members also help community groups with their specific development concerns. Donate to Oak Bay Watch - even $5 or $10 dollars provides expenses for door- to- door handouts and helps us maintain our website. Oak Bay Watch is committed to ensuring the Community gets the full range of information on budget, governance and all key development issues – a well-informed opinion cannot be made without this.
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Appendix #1
Underground Water Tank System Disadvantages Newsletters
- Maintenance Challenges - Providing all required maintenance to underground tanks is essential, as maintenance problems can be more challenging to deal with since access to the tank is limited.
- Most types involve valves and piping that require regular upkeep.
- The amount of water usage: running more water through steel components can reduce their life.
- Oak Bay gets its share of rain and as well exceptional rain and snow events that have been recently experienced, can overwhelm the capacity of the retention tanks.
Permeable Paving
Environmental Monitor Website Home- Permeable Paving Challenges: “With the low infiltration rates that go along with clay-heavy soils, large storms of around two inches of rainfall could see runoff reductions of just 10 percent”.