Newsletter: October 14, 2018 Election Facts to consider - Before Voting
Are Oak Bay Residents Receiving Misleading "Alternative" Information?
Was this apparent in the three 2018 Oak Bay, All Candidates Meetings and in a Mayor Jensen television interview?
TV Interview: When questioned about the escalation of taxes, Mayor Jensen stated: “We try to keep our taxes to a modest amount so they have been running at about 2 ½ or 3% in the past number of years”.
Fact: The Mayor must have miscalculated because for most of his 2 terms tax increases have averaged 6%, totaling 30% (see chart Appendix #1
TV Interview: Mayor Jensen said tax increases were mainly caused by staff salary increases and infrastructure renewal (see Appendix #2 for more factual information). Mayor Jensen went on to say, “We have not seen an abundance of development”.
Fact: The District’s Satisfaction Survey seemed to contradict this as it reported the #1 resident concern was “over-densification” (page 14). Also, there was a 100% increase in demolitions, many over-built houses going up all over Oak Bay, hundreds of trees lost as a result and so much neighborhood disruption and complaints?
TV Interview: The Council relationship was portrayed as “We work very well together, we are cooperative and collaborative…” , and “Council’s shared vision through strategic priorities”.
Fact: The same three Council members were split 3-3 on dozens of development and financial and budget issues. It was pointed out publicly by our previous long-term Mayor, he would not take sides in contentious community issues but, bring a split Council together for a mutually acceptable compromise.
Half of Council: Councillors, Murdoch, Braithwaite and Zhelka, rejected an annual budget for over-overspending on new administrative staff and development consultants that should have gone towards infrastructure upgrading. They objected strongly to the Mayor and his three support Councillors’ densification initiative - to add more infill and suites in all Oak Bay neighborhoods. Instead, they preferred a comprehensive, fully resident-consulted and collaborative Housing Plan that would address our failing infrastructure and financial situation first, and then consider all of the Community’s housing needs.
For Recent Mayor's Debate on Radio - CFAX (see Link):
Candidates: Oak Bay's Financial position explained - Move marker to 11:15Home
Housing Strategies explained - Move marker to 12:55
Municipal Election All Candidates Meetings
Mayor Jensen painted a picture of how the municipality is well governed and managed and the improvements he has made. However, almost all of the candidates portrayed a different picture and contradicted this account. They outlined the many problems the District is facing and explained how little has been done. They explained the Community‘s concerns and the lack of planning. From their accounts they obviously did not think Oak Bay’s picture is rose-coloured and they want to improve how the District is governed.
Resident questions ranged from why the District is charging residents, not developers, for the many development impacts to why are most of the capital reserve funds being used to address the Uplands sewer problem, while neglecting the rest of Oak Bay’s badly failing infrastructure? The rest of Oak Bay is where most of the development pressure has been on our roads, water mains, sewers, and storm drains.
Oak Bay Watch’s Perspective:
As explained in Appendix #2 there must be other undisclosed reasons that residents are paying unprecedented annual tax increases. Residents deserve a comprehensive analysis of what these are. Let us not forget that as the budgets grow larger each year (particularly at such high percentage rates) the compounded effects will become unsustainable for many.
High-profit developments have thrived while residents bear all the high costs of processing applications and paying for the many impacts. Many resident requests to Council for developers to pay their fair share have gone unheeded. We need responsible policies developed, public consultation and collaboration, separate from Council Meeting, and a balance between resident interests and those of developers.
Appendix #1
To Download: right click on Chart - select "download image as" select folder- click "Save"
Appendix #2
Regarding the exceptionally high annual property tax increases referenced:
At the April 5, 2018 Council Estimates Committee Oak Bay’s Director of Financial Services stated: “The Fire and Police Collective Agreements expired December 31, 2015 and the CUPE Collective Agreement expired December 31, 2016”… “and contingencies are included in the budget to cover these resulting collective bargaining increases”.
Fact: As indicated most of these budget expenses had already been collected in previous years taxes’ as contingencies to avoid big tax hikes in the future.
Also, other communities have the same police, fire and CUPE Union wage increases and most have held the line to annual 3% tax increases. It has often been reported now our infrastructure is under-funded and if salary increases are also not the other reported reason for driving our takes so high then shouldn’t there be an accurate accounting of what the other factors involved are?
Please do not leave town before the 2018 Election advance poll. This is on Wednesday, October 17 at Municipal Hall - Vote for and encourage others to vote for Council members who have expertise in finance and zoning and whose integrity will put the public interest at the forefront.
Please provide this Newsletter link: and share with friends and neighbours and post on your social media (if applicable).
*******Please help us continue to provide you with information about Community concerns and Council decisions and actions. Oak Bay Watch members also help community groups with their specific development concerns. Donate to Oak Bay Watch - even $5 or $10 dollars provides expenses for door- to- door handouts and helps us maintain our website. Oak Bay Watch is committed to ensuring the Community gets the full range of information on budget, governance and all key development issues – a well informed opinion cannot be made without this.
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Regarding the exceptionally high annual property tax increases referenced:
At the April 5, 2018 Council Estimates Committee Oak Bay’s Director of Financial Services stated: “The Fire and Police Collective Agreements expired December 31, 2015 and the CUPE Collective Agreement expired December 31, 2016”… “and contingencies are included in the budget to cover these resulting collective bargaining increases”.
Fact: As indicated most of these budget expenses had already been collected in previous years taxes’ as contingencies to avoid big tax hikes in the future.
Also, other communities have the same police, fire and CUPE Union wage increases and most have held the line to annual 3% tax increases. It has often been reported now our infrastructure is under-funded and if salary increases are also not the other reported reason for driving our takes so high then shouldn’t there be an accurate accounting of what the other factors involved are?
Please do not leave town before the 2018 Election advance poll. This is on Wednesday, October 17 at Municipal Hall - Vote for and encourage others to vote for Council members who have expertise in finance and zoning and whose integrity will put the public interest at the forefront.
Please provide this Newsletter link: and share with friends and neighbours and post on your social media (if applicable).
*******Please help us continue to provide you with information about Community concerns and Council decisions and actions. Oak Bay Watch members also help community groups with their specific development concerns. Donate to Oak Bay Watch - even $5 or $10 dollars provides expenses for door- to- door handouts and helps us maintain our website. Oak Bay Watch is committed to ensuring the Community gets the full range of information on budget, governance and all key development issues – a well informed opinion cannot be made without this.
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