Oak Bay Watch Important Alert – Secondary Suite Survey
Make no bones about it: this Oak Bay over-densification initiative is about profit – pure and simple. It’s being aggressively promoted by some members of Council and the Planning Department despite: The Pandemic’s restricting resident engagement; the many negative environmental impacts; the failing infrastructure; the effect on Oak Bay’ s character and the pressing, much more important issues facing the District.
It will cater to the interests of “the few” and of course the development industry. However, be assured it is not in the public interest. The Secondary Suite process to date has been far from transparent. There is every reason to believe this will continue. We will be providing evidence soon that important information was withheld, and misinformation was provided to residents.
Council members must surely be aware that these initiatives:
How can approving this uncontrollable proposed densification possibly be considered as meeting Official Community Plan's #1 Housing Objective “supporting a modest increase in housing within Oak Bay” (see page #79 ). Council is also ignoring the reality that the 2022 October Council and the Community will somehow have to deal with all of the negative impacts.
Much more verifiable Information to come soon
Does the Proverb “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies” apply here?
What was the reason a Consultant Secondary Suite Report was withheld and hidden for six months? In that half-year (January through May 2019) Council considered many secondary suite reports, and a resident open house was held.
What was the reason staff recently ignored a clear Council directive to provide the resident Advisory Planning Commission with the Secondary Suite Survey questions prior to publishing the survey?
Is there a lot of important information missing from the “basement suite and Infill “narrative”?
What other impact information has the public not been provided with?
This alert is one of several “factual” density information bulletins that we will be providing in the next week or so. The District has announced today “it will be running a secondary suite survey until June 3, 2021”. Oak Bay Watch advises you to please:
1. Read Oak Bay Watch “factual information” bulletins and
2. Based on logic and the evidence make it a priority to fill out the survey. Home
Note to Subscribers and website visitors: Oak Bay Watch is seeking Volunteer help to improve our social media coverage. If there is anyone who could assist us in expanding our community service information coverage it would be very much appreciated. Reply to [email protected]
Make no bones about it: this Oak Bay over-densification initiative is about profit – pure and simple. It’s being aggressively promoted by some members of Council and the Planning Department despite: The Pandemic’s restricting resident engagement; the many negative environmental impacts; the failing infrastructure; the effect on Oak Bay’ s character and the pressing, much more important issues facing the District.
It will cater to the interests of “the few” and of course the development industry. However, be assured it is not in the public interest. The Secondary Suite process to date has been far from transparent. There is every reason to believe this will continue. We will be providing evidence soon that important information was withheld, and misinformation was provided to residents.
Council members must surely be aware that these initiatives:
- The secondary suite consultant projections of 1500 new multi-tenant, family basement suites in Oak Bay’s singe-family neighbourhoods and,
- The May 2021 Infill Project Charter, now being advanced (with an over $120,000 price tag), that proposes, in addition to the Secondary Suite Initiative, so much more excessive development: duplexes, triplexes, laneway houses, detached suites, heritage home conversions, small/ large-lot subdivisions and townhouses.
How can approving this uncontrollable proposed densification possibly be considered as meeting Official Community Plan's #1 Housing Objective “supporting a modest increase in housing within Oak Bay” (see page #79 ). Council is also ignoring the reality that the 2022 October Council and the Community will somehow have to deal with all of the negative impacts.
Much more verifiable Information to come soon
Does the Proverb “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies” apply here?
What was the reason a Consultant Secondary Suite Report was withheld and hidden for six months? In that half-year (January through May 2019) Council considered many secondary suite reports, and a resident open house was held.
What was the reason staff recently ignored a clear Council directive to provide the resident Advisory Planning Commission with the Secondary Suite Survey questions prior to publishing the survey?
Is there a lot of important information missing from the “basement suite and Infill “narrative”?
What other impact information has the public not been provided with?
This alert is one of several “factual” density information bulletins that we will be providing in the next week or so. The District has announced today “it will be running a secondary suite survey until June 3, 2021”. Oak Bay Watch advises you to please:
1. Read Oak Bay Watch “factual information” bulletins and
2. Based on logic and the evidence make it a priority to fill out the survey. Home
Note to Subscribers and website visitors: Oak Bay Watch is seeking Volunteer help to improve our social media coverage. If there is anyone who could assist us in expanding our community service information coverage it would be very much appreciated. Reply to [email protected]