Bylaw Review
OBW proposes the following broad guidelines for the process of updating the bylaws to implement the new OCP:
- Transparency and direct community involvement in the implementation of "Council"s Strategic Plan"
- Periodic and timely community consultation on decisions such as Budget, Tax Increase, Housing and Zoning Changes
- Process must be led by the "Advisory Planning Commission"
- Unconditional Public Participation in all phases of the process
- Ability to invite external experts, staff, and politicians for opinion and information, but they will have no vote in the decisions.
- The incorporation of FAR committee findings regarding single-family buildings but not multi-familly buildings.
- Transparency
- Proactive public engagement and consultation
List of Problematic Bylaws
Blasting Bylaw - In December 2014, Council instructed staff to review the current blasting bylaw. This was triggers by a SERIOUS incident in which the lives of a homeowner's family were endangered due to CO accumulation. Since no concrete measure has been taken by the municipality to at the very least inform OB residents, we decided to put together these useful tips.